Online CIPP/E exam training

Prepare in a smart and effective way!

Study CIPP/E from home

Study wherever and whenever you want. Study from home, at work, on the train or anywhere!

Learn smart

Learn what is really important for the exam

Fair price

Training for the exam does not have to be expensive...

We offer an online training that perfectly prepares you for the IAPP exam. The training consists of explanation videos, short text fragments, practice questions, scenario questions and an outline of the official textbook. It is all you need, for a fixed low price.

What students think:

"This CIPP Training gave me the final push to pass my CIPPe exam. Due to nice videos, highlights and test exams. And good collaboration with the team behind this online course."
M. Rus
Privacy Professional
"Excellent value and in-depth course. Great course, well written and the course tutor is really helpful if you have queries."

Success rate CIPP/E online training: 94%

September 2019

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around the globe

Frequently Asked Questions - CIPP/E online training

Do I need any other study materials?

No, you do not need additional study materials. The online training environment is more then sufficient. It comes with a summary of the official CIPP/E textbook (28 pages).

Can you tell me about the course outline?

The course design follows the chapters of the book of knowlegde (and the CIPP/E textbook). Each chapter starts with an video introduction (see below for an example). The video is followed by short stories and a quiz. Some parts of the curriculum are discussed in more detail in the online environment. The chapters that count most heavily in the weighing are treated the most extensively.

How long does the training take to complete?

Our education can easily be combined with a (full-time) job and other activities. The entire online training can be completed in 1 or 2 full days. It is wise to also reserve some study time for learning the summary or looking through the GDPR. Of course you can do it faster or slower.

Can I get help or ask questions?

Yes, all our online training courses are supervised by a certified training manager in the field of privacy and security. All our experts have a masters degree. During your web based training you can contact them with questions. If desired, the expert monitors your progress.

Why study CIPP/E online?

  • Study from home, no travel required
  • High passing score
  • Affordable, just €300 or $329
  • Great value
  • You don’t have to read the entire textbook
  • Independently, but with support and the ability to ask questions
  • Learning efficient and effective

Exam guarantee:

Did you follow our online training, but did not pass the CIPP/E exam?

Then we will refund you half of our course fees!

What are you waiting for?

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